“BSW has made my children feel very special. I hope that the program will continue to grow so that other children can feel just as special.”
What is Buffalo String Works?
We’re an after-school music program where you can learn music AND have fun!
What do we offer?
3 FREE music lessons a week
A FREE violin, viola, cello, or bass to take home for the year
A family of musicians, mentors, and friends!
Why play music?
Make new friends!
Develop confidence and creativity!
Music students can score 14-18% higher on math and language arts tests!
Ready to sign up for lessons? Fill out the form below!
If you would like language support, please contact your family liaison: Aye Min Thant, aye@buffalostringworks.org | 716.579.4401
“What I like about [Buffalo String Works] is it brings me joy and all the people who play with me. It brings joy for me and them.”